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eBay Strives to Get Everyone Their Version of Perfect

eBay Strives to Get Everyone Their Version of Perfect

EBay has a new catchphrase, which is "to help every person get their version of perfect, no matter what it is," as reported by EcommerceBytes. 

In a YouTube video that shows women discussing their idea of perfect, one woman cheekily says, "My perfect would be somebody else's nightmare."  Another woman says one of her favorite items of clothing is a pair of Justin cowboy boots, and she says she's sold quite a few pairs of shoes on eBay.

"I love the idea of taking old clothes and bringing them into a new situation," says another woman.

EBay CEO Devin Wenig says the company has done some testing in the US and UK, and "you should begin to feel the sharpened eBay brand in our major markets" in the second half of the year, according to what he told Wall Street analysts, EcommerceBytes reported.

This latest catchphrase made me think of some of the others eBay has had over the years. In an ad campaign reminiscent of this one, eBay had said it was the perfect place to find "It," whatever it was. That year at the eBay Live convention there was a large fuzzy word, "It," on display in the foyer.

Another slogan eBay had at one time was to get your "Windorphins," meaning the feel-good endorphins from "winning" an auction. I recall seeing a large billboard with a Windorphins slogan on it when flying out of one eBay convention.

What do you think of eBay's new slogan? Do you think eBay is still the place to find "your version of perfect," or are there things that you feel you cannot find on there, or prefer to buy somewhere else, such as Amazon? Post a comment here!
