What are eBay "Buy It Now" listings?
eBay became famous for their auction style listings. If a seller has something they want to sell, they can list it as an auction for certain number of days (7 days is standard).
After it's posted on eBay, it has an end time. Once end time is reached, auction ends and whoever is the highest bidder, wins the item.
Seller also has an option of adding "Buy It Now" option to the auction.
If a buyer searches for this item and thinks that BIN price is fair, they can purchase the item right away without waiting for the auction to end
and without taking the risk of being outbid.
Seller can also choose to list the item as BIN only and if they have an eBay store, they can choose to list it as store inventory which would also make it a "Buy It Now".
This is simplified explanation as there are other options but it should be good enough for this introduction.
Why should you care about "Buy It Now" items on eBay?
The prices for most "Buy It Now" listings that you'll find on eBay will be set high because most sellers set BIN prices above what they want to get for their items in case there is somebody who really wants it and who does not mind paying premium.
There are some sellers though, who will list their items with very low "Buy It Now" prices compared to the market value. There could be many reasons for this.
Maybe seller wants to get rid of the item quickly. Maybe they don't know the value of their item or maybe they're new to eBay and don't know how to use it well.
The reason does not matter. What matters is that there are such deals on eBay. If you have the ability to find them soon enough and you're patient enough you can score real bargains.
How do you scan for those "Buy It Now" bargains?
You can go to eBay, put your search phrase in the search box and order results by "Time: newly listed".
From there, you can refresh your search every few seconds and look for good deals.
This is not very efficient and will become boring after a while because real bargains do not show up very often.
As an alternative, you can use "Buy It Now" Scanner Software called BAM Seeker.
It will search for newly posted BIN listings on eBay every few seconds and display newly found items for your review. If you think the price is right, you can purchase the item right away before somebody else steals your deal.
This functionality can be used for many purposes. Maybe you're just looking for some items that you want to buy for yourself or for your collection?
Maybe you have a business where you can sell some niche items and are looking for good deals? BAM Seeker can help.
BIN Scanner is part of BAM Seeker (Plus) or BAM Seeker (Pro) subscription but it's free to try for 30 days in BAM Seeker (Free) version. See version comparison page for more details.
Final thoughts
This is not for everybody. It's only for people who are patient and dedicated to finding bargains.
As I mentioned earlier, most of the BIN listings you'll find will not be good deals because most sellers know what their items are worth and set "Buy It Now" prices that are high.
Also, real bargains end very quickly, usually in less than two minutes of being posted and sometimes even sooner.
If you're not there when the bargain shows up or if you're slow in reading item description and deciding if you really want the item, you'll miss it.